• How did you become an illustrator?

    I started my career working as an advertising art director. I often hired illustrators to work on campaigns with me, and I loved the creativity and vision they brought to the work! It was then I realized that I’d rather be doing the art than directing the art. So I started doing loads of art, built up an illustration portfolio, quit my job and became a full time illustrator. It was a scary (brave!) thing to do! But I’m so glad I found the courage to make that leap - I’ve been working as a freelance illustrator now for over 17 years and love my job!

  • What inspired you to draw in your style?

    My style has shifted and evolved significantly over time. Sometimes the change was intentional (when I felt I needed to express things differently) and sometimes it was a natural progression to make my process more efficient. But mostly I draw the way I do because it comes easily.

  • Which medium do you prefer and why?

    I like to work with acrylic paint because it dries quickly and I can get great texture. I usually paint everything as separate elements, then take all those parts and pieces and scan them in to the computer, collaging it together in photoshop. Then I add finishing touches on my iPad. Working this way helps me work in little accidents and not-quite-perfect parts that I would probably fix or overwork if I were painting traditionally.

    I also love to experiment and play with all kinds of different mediums. I love to carve into linocut blocks and make block prints. I love to paint with opaque gouache paints and play with mark-making. And I love sketching from life with inky black brush pens. I even love drawing in the sand at the beach!

  • What advice would you give an aspiring illustrator?

    Draw, draw, draw! Draw everything you see. Draw your bedroom. Draw your friends. Go outside and draw the trees and clouds. Copy drawings from famous artists to find out how they did it. Then do your own version. When drawing feels like playing, you’re onto something good. :)

  • What are some challenges about being an illustrator?

    I have been illustrating long enough to have experienced all the typical struggles - I’ve wrestled with finding clients, feast-or-famine income, crazy deadlines, and the dreaded creative burnout. You name it, I’ve probably gone through it. But things are much smoother these days. Thanks to Ayurveda, I'm in a calmer, more creative space now. I've developed some beautiful practices to keep the artistic spark flowing. It's kind of awesome. And guess what? I'm now working on a program to help other illustrators find that same zen zone. Stay tuned!

  • You illustrate a lot of picture books. What challenges have you encountered?

    Illustrating children’s books has been such a treat because I get to dream up and create characters and the world they live in. Sometimes, when I’m starting a new book, that can feel a little daunting. I play around with different ideas and approaches, often doing many drafts that just don’t feel quite right. But you know, it’s part of the process sometimes and it helps to take breaks, give myself time and space to figure it out, and to remember that the hard part will pass. I’ll find the “just right” thing and it’ll be smooth sailing!

  • What do you enjoy most about your job?

    I enjoy the freedom most. I can be selective about the work I take on, making sure it fits with my values and schedule. And if I get on a roll with the project, I can stay with it all day long until that energy wanes. I also love the freedom to work from anywhere.

  • Could you describe a typical day?

    In Ayurveda, we super love our morning routines! It’s a perfect time to take care of ourselves before the busy day gets underway. So my day begins early with the sunrise, prompting a little stretching on my yoga mat followed by a calming meditation. Then a refreshing shower, a nourishing breakfast, and a mindful walk outside. My computer and emails stay untouched until I'm grounded and clear-headed, ready to tackle my projects. This sets me up for really focused work in the morning, followed by a break for lunch and a productive afternoon.

  • Where can I buy your books?

    You can find my books at most book retailers online and in many local bookshops (support local when possible!). If your favorite local shop doesn’t have it, most shop owners would be happy to order it for you at no extra charge. Your local library is another good place to find my books. Libraries are amazing, and free!